After having a serious bone injury and surgery, it is important that certain structures are identified with the rehab process that addresses specific goals and health management pathways. In order for a successful recovery, specific pain levels, healing times frames, type and severity of injury and associated injuries need to be addressed in the initial phases of the recovery cycle. This is outlined via questioning and assessing.
Once these have been addressed, 3 areas will need to be addressed during the management cycle.
Maintenance phase- This is from the start of the surgery up to the period of the fracture combining/healing together. Generally pain, swelling, range of motion and muscle movement/ size is addressed in this phase. The issue here is that many individuals are bed ridden, resulting in a significant amount of muscle mass loss and bone degeneration. (This also has a correlation with age, sex, weight etc.)
Mobilisation phase- this is an important phase and you must mobilise as soon as possible, unless you have been instructed not too. This can be a simple as standing up or doing sit-to-stand exercises. You must show the therapist a safe walking pattern with or without aids and be independent with most movements.
Rehabilitation phase- this is where we want you to return to as normal function. This time is generally unknown as there are many factors which could be associated with this, however joint mobility, muscle strength, proprioception/ motor control and functional movement all need to be optimized.