General Physiotherapy

Central Physio Bayswater are the experts in treating musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction. All our therapists are required to complete the compulsory 2 hours of training per fortnight to stay up to date with the latest trends and research.

Upon your initial visit our physiotherapist will take you through an assessment  so they can get an accurate diagnosis, which will allow them to tailor a treatment plan suited towards your dysfunction. The aim of our service is to assist you in your recovery and improve your healing rate, helping you return to sport/ work quicker or just allow you to complete normal activities pain free.

Physiotherapists are often seen when pain presents, there are movement limitations, or weakness noticed. Other times if nerve dysfunction or dizziness occurs, or even problems with sporting and normal daily activities.

At Central Physio Bayswater we use the latest treatment methods (outlined by research) that are specific to your condition and presentation. This may include dry needling, myofascial release (massage), trigger point, joint mobilization, Mulligan’s and numerous other modalities. Exercise prescription is also given, which is suited to your restrictions. This may include mobility, strength and conditioning, core stability (pelvic control), balance, posture, or neural muscular releases
