Category: Injury

After having a serious bone injury and surgery, it is important that certain structures are identified with the rehab process that addresses specific goals and health management pathways. In order for a successful recovery, specific pain levels, healing times frames, type and severity of injury and associated injuries need to be addressed in the initial… [more]

Mid Back Pain Got You Down?

The mid back (thoracic spine) has been a common place for many injuries recently. However, there are many reasons as to why mid back pain can develop, here are some common reasons. Cervical-thoracic postural pain: commonly existing in the upper to mid thoracic region and often associated with a headaches and a heavy head. There… [more]
Tennis elbow is a common injury seen in anyone who is forced to continually grip on a regular basis. However, the cause of a tennis elbow isn’t just based on one element, rather on a multifactorial process. 1. Local tendon Pathology- generally you will see similar changes in the tendon as seen in Achilles and… [more]
Whiplash injuries are difficult to overcome and can be sustained through a variety of ways. In fact over 50% of whiplash injuries wont recover within a 3-month period. However, there are certain physiological factors can predict whether a poor outcome may occur. 1. Describing having a pain level of a minimum of 5/10 or record… [more]

Tommy Thumb Has A Sore Thumb

Pain when you move your thumb? There are many causes of thumb pain, but one common one is De Quervains Tenosynovitis. De Quervains Tenosynovitis presents as a sharp pain just below your thumb on the side of your wrist, made worse when moving your thumb out from your hand. You may have some swelling and… [more]
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