Category: Injury

A Pain In The Neck

Neck muscle function is one aspect that could be contributing to cervical pain. Here is a small snap shop of what could be happening throughout your neck, shoulder girdle muscle complex. – The one everyone generally knows is deep neck flexor activation, this muscle is important for stabilizing the head during certain movements and with… [more]

Post Surgery Success

After surgery prescribed exercises are given by a physiotherapist to improve a patient’s mobility and strength, which gives them every chance of a successful recovery. A huge emphasis is placed on patients too regularly complete their exercises, whether that is at home, work or at the gym. However this seems not to be the case,… [more]

Surgery Or Not

When ever you fracture a bone in your body, there are periods where surgery may or may not be required. Generally after a fracture the main aim is to realign any displaced, angulated or rotated fracture. This can be done through surgery or conservatively, as long as you can stabilize the fracture, restore surrounding normal… [more]

Don’t Get Injured Running

Summer is around the corner and we know that a lot of individuals start hitting the pavement to shed the winter kg’s. However, this commonly leads to injuries as many individuals go too hard too soon. Here are some simple tips to help keep you moving and staying injury free this summer. Check Your Shoes:… [more]
Referral pain is a common presentation seen in the clinic recently. However, my individuals believe that it’s their ‘sciatica’, but this isn’t always the case. There are many factors, which could be causing pain ranging from muscles to joints. Somatic referred pain- this is pain that comes from musculoskeletal structures- disc, ligaments, and connective tissue.… [more]
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