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Tennis elbow is a common injury seen in anyone who is forced to continually grip on a regular basis. However, the cause of a tennis elbow isn’t just based on one element, rather on a multifactorial process. 1. Local tendon Pathology- generally you will see similar changes in the tendon as seen in Achilles and… [more]
Are you working in the gym and not sure how many reps and sets to work on to develop your strength, power or size? Here we give you a basic over the requirements to achieve certain parameters with your training. Throughout Hypertrophy is all about putting on muscle size and bulk. However, this isn’t achieved… [more]
Whiplash injuries are difficult to overcome and can be sustained through a variety of ways. In fact over 50% of whiplash injuries wont recover within a 3-month period. However, there are certain physiological factors can predict whether a poor outcome may occur. 1. Describing having a pain level of a minimum of 5/10 or record… [more]
When completing an exercise program it is important that you address multiple areas to ensure long-term health and wellbeing is maintained. Exercising is often referred to as ONLY ‘going to the gym’ or ‘running’, however it is important that your method of training has a biomechanical balance. When you exercise we must incorporate many elements,… [more]
Here we outline the benefits and negatives of each style of the 3 major styles of scanning used in physiotherapy. X-ray An x-ray is usually a quick and cheap tool used to help make a diagnosis. It is very useful for scanning skeletal structures and identifying the following – Alignment of the spinal segments (are… [more]
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