Category: Therapies

What is it? Postural neck pain occurs from having sustained poor posture and with prolonged activity with incorrect posture. Typically occurs when the neck, shoulders, and upper back are not in correct alignment and uneven strain is placed on certain structures in the neck, such as muscles, ligaments, vertebral joints and discs. It is often… [more]
Why exercise post surgery? There are many fundamental elements required, in order make a complete recovery from surgery. Education, exercise, self-management are the common principles implemented by a practitioner. Exercise rehabilitation post-surgery has been a known procedure commonly recommended and/ or implemented by health professionals for many years. Commonly its benefits are – Restore normal… [more]
Research has found benefits with physiotherapy intervention within a few days following a sporting incident. These including: 1. Relieving pain 2. Reducing scar tissue 3. Assisting your return to sport and work faster 4. Improving return to sport performance and prevention of injury reoccurrence How do we achieve this? 1. Assessment Physiotherapists are primary care… [more]
Individuals participating in sports and physical activity is becoming increasingly more common with the increasing awareness of its importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With this comes an increase in sporting musculoskeletal injuries, some of which are traumatic, others resulting from a lack of acute adaptation to load, or chronic overload of musculoskeletal structures. These… [more]

What is PAIN?

Did you know that one in five Australians, are currently living with constant pain, but what is pain? Pain is a universal experience, which is manufactured by the brain, no matter what type of pain you are feeling. Pain is termed, “as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage,… [more]
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